is information security and cyber security the same

Is Information Security And Cyber Security The Same

Is information security and cyber security the same? In this article, we will discuss more information in this title. Read this article so you can have knowledge of this study.

Is Information Security And Cyber Security The Same?

Information security is the process of protecting information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording, or destruction. Also, cyber security is a subset of information security.

Cyber security is a form of information security that encompasses practices, processes, and systems. Also, it is to protect networks, computers, programs, and data from attack, damage, or unauthorized access.

Information security is the practice of protecting information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, perusal, inspection, recording, or destruction. Also. a threat may come from a human being (a disgruntled employee), a computer program (a Trojan horse), or even an electromagnetic pulse.

Information security is an extremely broad discipline that incorporates people, processes, and technology to safeguard information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, and disruption. Also, cyber security is a subset of information security.

Cyber security is a combination of the processes, technologies, and practices to protect networks, computers, and programs from attack or damage. Also, it protects information such as personal data or intellectual property from theft or damage.

Goals and Visions

  • 1. Confidentiality – The property that data is not made accessible or disclosed to unauthorized persons, entities, or processes. Also, it means that authorized persons, entities, or processes must be able to access data in a way that is correct and expected.
  • 2. Integrity – The property that data is not modified, destroyed, or changed without authorization. Also, it means that authorized persons, entities, or processes must be able to modify data in a way that is correct and expected.
  • 3. Availability – The property of data to be available to authorize
  • 4. Authenticity – The property that data and information can be trusted. Also, it means that authorized persons, entities, and processes must be able to verify the identity of others.


  • Physical security – It is the practice of controlling access to facilities (buildings and data centers) and systems so that only authorized users may enter, use or gain access to resources. Also, it is the process of protecting personnel, hardware, and software from physical threats such as fire, theft, and vandalism.
  • Logical security – It is a practice of enforcing access controls (authorizations) to databases and systems using hardware, software, and policies. Also, it is the process of protecting resources from unauthorized access through the use of authentication and access control methods.
  • Access control – It is a collection of mechanisms that restrict or regulate the access and modification of data in a computer system or network. Also, it is a way to manage access to information in computer systems.
  • Network security – It is a practice of protecting computer networks and data from all types of attacks such as viruses, hacking, denial-of-service attacks, spam, and other threats. Also, it is the process of protecting networks and devices from security breaches such as data theft or access.
  • Network segmentation – It is a method of isolating a set of network resources from the rest of a network. Also, it is a way to protect and segregate the network into segments with different levels of trust, security rules, and behavior. 
  • Firewall – A computer software or hardware device that monitors and controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic to a network or computer system. Also, it can filter network traffic based on pre-set security rules. 


Information security and cyber security are the same. If you have known about this article, you should increase your knowledge. 

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