computer and information systems security

Computer And Information Systems Security

What are computer and information systems security? In this article, we will discuss more information in this title. Read this article so you can have knowledge of this study.

What are Computer And Information Systems Security?

Computer and information systems security is the art and science of protecting computer hardware, software, data, and networks. Also, it is from the theft or damage to the equipment.

What are the Common Threats to IT Security?

As a computer and information systems security, you must know what threats are in the field. Here are some common threats.

It is about the intentional threats or threats from outside the organization or from any individual or group of individuals. For example, a malicious program or virus.

The threat from within the organization is from a person who works in the company. These people have legitimate access to information systems and can cause damage to these systems.

The threat from accidental events that occur in the process of using information technology. Information security officers who have been trained to be aware of these risks can minimize or prevent them from occurring.

Protection against Accidental Loss of Data

There are several things you can do to protect your data from accidental loss, here are some of them. This is a backup of the data on the computer. In addition, it is more secure because it will not be found or destroyed by a virus or hacker.

A method to protect the data in the event of accidental damage. For example, you can use tape to back up data or use magnetic disks to back up the data on the hard disk.

Do not use the same backup media and the same drive for storing and processing data. Use separate or different media for backup purposes.

Protection Against Intentional Loss of Data, Destruction, or Theft of Information

It is the most serious threat to IT security because it can cause a severe impact on the company. If this happens, it will be difficult to recover from the loss. 

There are two types of attacks. The first is a direct attack that uses a malicious program to damage information systems or disrupt the network. 

For example, a hacker infiltrated a computer system with a malicious program to steal information from the company. 

Malicious code that is designed to damage information systems or disrupt the network. For example, a worm can replicate itself on computers and replicate a malicious program. 

The second type of attack is a more targeted attack which uses a malicious program or virus to destroy information stored on a computer or on a disk. For example, a virus enters the system and deletes files on the hard disk.

Security for Information Systems Organizations

The security of information systems depends on the security of the people who use them. The security officers must provide training and instruction. 

It is to users on the proper use of information systems. For example, they should teach users to avoid opening email attachments from unknown sources.


This system is to ensures the protection of information systems. It is a framework that consists of plans, procedures, processes, rules, regulations, standards. 

The ISMS is a framework to ensure the effective use of information technology. This system ensures that all employees are aware of their roles in maintaining IT security. Also, it ensures that standards are being met and that the company has the ability to recover from any loss.


It is important for information systems security to protect your important information and your company. This will minimize the risk of losing data and the company. 

Protecting the data is not enough, you must also protect the system. Therefore, we need to use a framework to ensure the effective use of IT.

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