cybersecurity 2021 trends

Cybersecurity 2021 Trends in the World Now

In this article, we will cover a report on cybersecurity trends in 2021 you need to know.

Every year, IT security experts spend analyzing the emerging threat landscape to learn about trends. By knowing these, you can do actionable steps to be more secure.

Read on to learn more.

Cybersecurity 2021 Trends You Need to Know

Lockdowns Permanently Change How Industries Work

Now, companies around the world shifted their workforces. The offices are empty, and most employees work from home. But, it also affected attack surfaces.

For one, threat actors have a wider and bigger surface to attack. Now, they even take advantage of current events. That’s why those who are most susceptible are at risk for these attacks.

In fact, cybercrime increased by 600% since the beginning of the global pandemic.

That’s why many companies now decided to reduce capital expenditures aside. Even states like Florida attract talent from different states. This shows that they are now more flexible to WFH setups.

Most companies also now realize that having an office space is not a requirement to be productive. Some even said that they will never fully go back to an office setting. 

Supply Chain Attacks Will Grow

Surveys show that 50% of cyber attacks today not only target a network. Now, they also target those connected via a supply chain. In fact, supply chain attacks surged by 430% in 2020 alone.

No matter how strong your security programs are, you can be affected if your vendor was under a supply chain attack.

Worse, hackers can even attempt to gain control over your systems. Others also lie dormant for months to years at a time. But little did you know, they are already collecting data from you.

In 2021, supply chain attacks will continue to be a threat to organizations. But, one way to prevent these is to apply Zero Trust Architecture.

Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Will Set The Tone For New Security Standards

Built off the NIST framework, the CMMC standards will help companies meet and maintain security controls. Now that private and public sectors fear losing information, they now enforce compliance.

In fact, many organizations are now required to apply CMMC. And that’s because businesses have no security best practices.

However, we can’t really blame them if we think from a business perspective. For one, security margins are so thin as is. So, some industries can’t afford the investment even if they wanted.

Some states, though, are trying to help companies in applying security controls. They have a $2,500 reimbursement for a NIST 800-1717 Gap Analysis.

Still, this still doesn’t cover the costs of doing analysis alone. Not to mention, these controls should be maintained.

For some industries, it’s unfortunate because they have to be forced to meet certification standards. But in the long run, it promotes a more secure environment for them.

Wrapping up Cybersecurity 2021 Trends

In 2021, we expect more investments in cybersecurity. Many businesses will also prioritize them. So, we look further ahead to a more secure world.

True, recent news about threats is disheartening. But, it doesn’t have to be. In fact, it can be a wake-up call for most of us.

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