information security definition

Information Security Definition and Principles

What is the information security definition? Also, how can it help you protect your information?

Read on to learn more.

Information Security Definition

Today, billions of people use the Internet. In October 2020, almost 4.6 billion were active users.

Now, it’s getting more and more accessible. Computers aren’t the only device we can use. Even smartphones and TV can connect to it.

We can also use it wherever we are. And no matter what time of the day.

But, it also poses a security issue. Internet and information have security risks. For example, someone can steal, modify, or misuse our information.

Digital information is also more vulnerable than physical information. Why so?

You can lock physical information in a file locker. But, you store digital information in computers or the cloud.

So, intruders do not need to enter an office. They can also get access even if you’re not in the same country.

So, information security is more critical today. But, what are the information security principles that we should know?

Information Security Principles

There are three principles or goals of information security. This is also known as the CIA triad, which means:

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability

But, what does the CIA triad do?


Confidentiality means private, or secret. So, it means keeping information private. This information includes:

  • bank account details
  • personal information
  • credit card numbers
  • government documents
  • company trade secret

It also involves assigning who is authorized and not to access the information. But, how does this work?

For example, a Payroll employee can only access the files of employee salaries. This means that someone from the maintenance department can’t have access to it.

You can also apply security controls. So, you can maintain confidentiality. Some controls include:


Integrity means keeping information correct and complete. It also involves the consistency of networks, systems, and information itself.

Correct information means unauthorized persons can’t change it. While complete information means unauthorized persons can’t remove it.

So, it makes the information reliable. But, how does this work?

For example, banks should keep account balances correct and complete. So, employees should not alter it nor remove it.

Another example, the files you sent should be intact. So, it involves protecting the information while being transferred.

Like confidentiality, there are controls to maintain the integrity of information. It includes:

  • digital signatures
  • authentication of data
  • version control
  • limited access
  • intrusion detection
  • encryption of files
  • hashing for passwords
  • digital certificates


Finally, availability means keeping information accessible and functional. So, an authorized person can access it when needed.

It also needs timely access. So, the runtime of apps and systems is secure.

Availability also needs to keep hardware up-to-date. So, you can monitor bandwidth usage.

It’s also important to provide failover and disaster recovery capacity. So, if systems go down, you can restore the operations back.

This part of the CIA triad is especially important for the eCommerce and healthcare sectors. Why so?

If eCommerce systems go down, companies can lose millions of dollars. And if critical healthcare systems are unavailable, human life could be lost.

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