management of information security 6th edition

Management Of Information Security 6th Edition

What is the management of information security 6th edition? Read this study to have more knowledge about this title. As a result, it can help you to learn more.

What is the Management of Information Security 6th Edition?

The Management of Information Security Sixth Edition is a textbook created for use in courses on information security management. Also, the authors, which include professors and business practitioners. 

It covers topics including information security management systems; compliance; governance; risk assessment; risk analysis; policy, culture, and organizational. 

This is the sixth edition of the textbook. Also, the book has been revised to include new content on big data, cloud computing, and mobile device management.

As a result, the topics of mobile devices and cloud computing have been added to this edition of the book. Also, it includes updated information on the latest version of ISO/IEC 27002:2013 and ISO/IEC 27005:2011.

Mobile Devices

The authors of this textbook provide a brief overview of mobile devices and their role in information security. As a result, it includes such things as mobile device management, mobile security risks and countermeasures, and more.

Moreover, the authors also provide information on how mobile devices can be leveraged as effective security tools. Also, they discuss the use of mobile devices as data collection tools. 

Cloud Computing

The authors of this textbook provide a brief overview of cloud computing and its impact on information systems management. 

As a result, cloud computing is concerned with delivering computing as a service. Also, it provides services to users through the internet. 

Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) 

This textbook explains what information security management systems (ISMS) are and how they provide an effective framework for managing information security. 

As a result, it is a set of organizational policies and procedures that address. Also, it is technologies and processes that can help an organization protect its information assets. 

Moreover, the authors also provide information on the ISO/IEC 27001 standards that can be used as a guideline for implementing an ISMS. 


This textbook provides details on the compliance and its importance in today’s business environment. As a result, compliance refers to the state of agreeing with laws and regulations. 

Also, it refers to meeting formal requirements of organizations; government; and other groups within the business environment. Moreover, this textbook provides information on various methods of implementing compliance. 

Also, it provides information on various methods of implementing compliance. Moreover, the authors provide details on the importance of compliance in business transactions. As a result, it can help to minimize legal risk. 

As a result, organizations need to establish policies and procedures that include compliance with industry regulations and other applicable laws. 

Additionally, the authors provide details on methods for managing compliance with applicable laws and regulations to ensure that they continue to comply. 

Organizational Risk Assessment 

This textbook provides an overview of organizational risk assessment (ORA). Also, it focuses on the importance of implementing ORA to determine how likely threats are to occur. As a result, it is determining the potential impact of threats on an organization.

Moreover, this textbook provides information on how risk assessment can be applied to various aspects of an organization. Also, it discusses the benefits of implementing ORA. Moreover, the authors provide information on how to conduct an ORA. 


This textbook provides an excellent overview of information security management. Also, it provides a detailed discussion of the various topics within the discipline of information security management. 

As a result, this book is ideal for use as a companion to the authors’ other textbook, “Information Security Management Handbook”. 

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